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Le Savoir-Vivre's unique expertise reflects a life education in the elegant French Art de Vivre,
a strong multi-cultural professional background and a decade immersed in the Asian world.

Table Manners
Our unique and interactive workshop will help master the contemporary western art of fine dining.

Table setting &
serving Etiquette
Le Savoir-Vivre trains the housekeeper to set up a table and serve a meal according to International Etiquette.

Corporate Etiquette

Business Etiquette
This workshop is designed to help sharpen the soft skills you already possess and rise to your sucess.
This course will provide the necessary strategies to broaden your global awarness, key to business success.
Discover the French culture of cheese making and the way to serve and savor them.

Wine & Cheese Etiquette

Caviar &
Champagne Etiquette
Explore the world of French products of the utmost luxury.

We provide one-on-one courses as well as combinations of workshops upon your request.

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