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Tasting Kitchen, November 2013


"France’s own path to cultivation started with King Louis XIV, the Sun King, and has long since

been the world standard for etiquette. Nowadays, it has become both a lifestyle and a life

philosophy synonymous with elegance and excellence." CSB

Figaro, August 2013


"Catherine Baron (…) is very proud of the tremendous French Heritage that fascinates

Hong Kongers so much,and Chinese people in general." 

Bloomberg video, April 2013 (Caviar & Champagne)

Le Petit Journal, Mars 2013


"Because in Catherine's workshops, an interactive approach is the norm, confidence

envelops all the participants,the friendly look that Catherine gives her hosts works

well and people dare to ask questions."

Trait d'union, November 2012


"Whether it is a gastronomic meal or a diner composed exclusively of wine and cheese,

Catherine knows how to satisfy the high demand of Hong Kongers looking to know

about Etiquette." 


Trait d'Union, May 2011


"The variations between politnesses can be so strong that relations can be disturbed or

even broken as a result of a simple misunderstanding." CSB

Bloomberg, Mai 2011 (Peugeot)

France 24, December 2013

Sud Ouest, Octobre 2013


"Etiquette is a French word that dates back to the court of Louis XIV and is one of many words that have been exported into the English language. France is still the home of living well, of elegance and courtesy. This is part of our culture and it is in this sense that I created my Academy." CSB

Europe 1, August 2013


"In Hong Kong French manners are very trendy, (…) hence Catherine Baron's workshops are a great success."

Check the video (3:40 min) (In French): Click Here

Le Figaro, March 2014


Catherine Soulas Baron, Founder of le Savoir-Vivre, won the Trophy of

French nationals abroad , Art de Vivre category

"Several times a month, Catherine offers such etiquette and good manners workshops in

Hong-Kong. An initiative that earned her the 2104 Prize for French nationals Abroad, under its

"Art de Vivre" category, for her contribution to the promotion of French culture abroad."

Check the article:  In English - Click here &  In French - Click here 

Europe 1, Mai 2014


Les Carnets du Monde

Check the video (42:00 min) (In French): Click Here

Le Savoir-Vivre on France 2, 12 June, 2014 (In French)

French foreign affairs ministry: Award Ceremony, 06 March 2014 (In French)

France Info, 12 December, 2014


Check the article (In French): Click Here

JOURNAL DU LUXE, 28 September, 2014


Check the article (In French): Click Here, 13 Octobre, 2014


Check the article (In English)Click Here

Femme Actuelle, 22 December, 2014


Check the article (In French): Click Here

Apple Daily, 23 December, 2014


Check the article (In Chinese): Click Here

Trait d'Union  29 November, 2015


Check the article (In French): Click Here

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